A Revolutionary Look-Book Shoot for a Jewel Company

jewel photography

In the dynamic world of fashion and jewelry photography, stepping away from the conventional to create something truly unique and thought-provoking is both a challenge and an art. At And Dreams Digital, we embraced this challenge in our latest project for Ottoman Jewelry. This look-book shoot was an exploration of artistic boundaries, blending the elegance of high-end jewelry with an unexpected twist: adorning a male model with traditionally women’s pieces. This blog post delves into the details of our groundbreaking shoot, highlighting the art, photography, style, and lighting techniques that brought this vision to life.

Artistic Vision and Style

The concept was clear from the start: to challenge traditional norms and present the jewelry in a manner that speaks of boldness and artistic freedom. Drawing inspiration from the androgynous fashion movements and the fluidity of contemporary sculpture, we aimed to capture the essence of each piece in a way that transcends gender norms.

Photography Technique

Chiaroscuro in Modern Frame

We employed a photography technique reminiscent of the Chiaroscuro style – a technique that plays with stark contrasts between light and dark, much like the works of Caravaggio. This approach not only highlighted the intricate details of the jewelry but also gave the model an almost sculptural quality, with each pose and expression artfully captured to resemble a piece of renaissance art.

Lighting Setup

Crafting Shadows and Highlights

Our lighting setup was key in achieving the desired effect. We utilized a combination of hard and soft lights to create a dramatic interplay of shadows and highlights. This setup allowed us to accentuate the textures and shapes of the jewelry, ensuring that each piece stood out starkly against the dark backdrop. The use of directional lighting helped in sculpting the model’s features, adding depth and intensity to each shot.


A Blend of Elegance and Boldness

The styling was thoughtfully curated to complement the unconventional theme. The model was dressed in minimalist, black attire, serving as a canvas to showcase the jewelry’s elegance. The decision to adorn a male model with traditionally female pieces was a statement in itself – challenging the viewer’s perception and societal norms.

Breaking Boundaries

This look-book shoot for Ottoman Jewelry was not just a photography assignment; it was a statement – an ode to the art of breaking conventions and redefining beauty standards. It stands as a testament to And Dreams Digital’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of creative expression in the realm of jewelry photography.

We invite you to explore this captivating collection, where each photograph is a narrative of artistic rebellion and elegance.

At And Dreams Digital, we specialize in creating visually stunning and conceptually unique photographic content. Our passion lies in exploring new boundaries in the world of fashion and jewelry photography, always striving to present something beyond the ordinary.

Experienced founder with a demonstrated history of working in the advertisement industry. Skilled in Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Product Marketing, Photography, Post Production and Business Strategy. Strong business development professional graduated from computer engineering.

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