The Best Free AI Art Generators

The Best Free AI Art Generators

You don’t need any artistic skills to create digital art with AI art generators. There are many different ways to create digital art using AI generators, and the specific process will depend on the specific tool or software being used.

AI Generator

Here is a general outline of how you might create digital art with an AI generator:

Choose an AI art generator tool or software: There are many different options available, ranging from standalone software programs to online platforms and tools. Consider factors such as the features and capabilities of the tool, as well as its cost and user-friendliness.

Gather input for the AI generator: Depending on the tool you are using, you may need to provide the AI generator with different types of input, such as images, text, or other data. This input will be used to influence the style and content of the generated art.

Configure the AI generator: Many AI art generators allow you to customize the output by adjusting different settings, such as the style, theme, or color palette of the generated art. Experiment with different settings to find the ones that produce the results you are looking for.

Generate the art: Once you have configured the AI generator and provided any necessary input, you can use the tool to generate the art. This may involve training the AI model on a dataset of existing artworks, or simply using the tool to generate art based on the input you provided.

Edit and fine-tune the generated art: Depending on the tool you are using, you may be able to edit the generated art to make it more to your liking. This could involve making adjustments to the color palette, adding or removing elements, or making other changes. You may also want to consider using additional software or tools to further refine and enhance the generated art.

What Is an AI Art Generator?

An AI art generator is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) system that is designed to create original artworks, such as paintings, drawings, or digital graphics. This can be done through a variety of techniques, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.

AI art generators typically work by analyzing a large dataset of existing artworks and learning the patterns and characteristics that define different styles and genres. They can then use this information to generate new artworks that incorporate similar styles and themes. Some AI art generators may also be able to take user input, such as a specific image or set of keywords, and use this information to generate artworks that are related to the input.

AI art generators can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating digital art for websites or social media, generating original artwork for sale, or simply as a creative tool for artists and designers. However, it is important to note that AI art generators are not capable of replicating the creative process or artistic talent of a human artist, and their output may not always be of the same quality or originality as human-generated art.

The Best Free AI Art Generators

There are many different AI art generators available that are free to use, ranging from standalone software programs to online platforms and tools. Here are a few examples of free AI art generators that you may want to consider:

Deep Dream

DeepDream is an artificial intelligence program created by Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev which uses a convolutional neural network to generate surreal images from existing photographs and other images. It was inspired by the ideas of psychoanalyst Carl Jung and the resultant images have been compared to the surrealist paintings of Salvador Dali.

The program works by identifying patterns in images and amplifying them, resulting in dream-like images with oddly-shaped animals, objects, and patterns appearing within the original image. DeepDream can be used to generate a wide range of visual effects, from subtle alterations to highly surreal transformations. It has been used by artists and researchers to create a variety of images and has been featured in numerous articles and demonstrations.

Deep Dream AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate

Try Deep Dream


DALL-E is a neural network-based image generation program developed by OpenAI. It is named after the artist Salvador Dali and the Pixar character Wall-E. DALL-E is capable of generating a wide range of images from textual descriptions, such as “a two-story pink house with a white fence and a red door.”

It uses a transformer neural network architecture, which allows it to process long sequences of text and generate corresponding images. It has been trained on a dataset of text-image pairs and can generate a wide range of images, from photorealistic to highly stylized, based on the descriptions provided to it.

DALL-E has been demonstrated to be capable of generating a wide range of images, including photorealistic images of objects, animals, and scenes, as well as more stylized and surreal images. It has the potential to be used in a variety of applications, including creative expression, design, and advertising.

DALL-E AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate



Artbreeder is a platform that allows users to create and edit images using artificial intelligence. It was developed by Joel Simon, an artist and software engineer.

Artbreeder allows users to input images or text descriptions and generate new images based on those inputs. It uses a combination of machine learning algorithms and user feedback to generate images that are similar to the input, but with variations in color, form, and composition.

Artbreeder offers a range of tools and features for creating and editing images, including the ability to mix and match elements from different images, add text and shapes, and apply various filters and effects. It can be used to create a wide range of images, from photorealistic to highly stylized, and has been used by artists, designers, and other creatives to generate new ideas and explore different visual styles.

Artbreeder AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

Try Artbreeder

Neural Style Transfer
Neural style transfer is a machine learning technique that allows users to apply the style of one image to the content of another image. It was first introduced in a 2015 paper by Leon Gatys et al. called “A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style.”

The process of neural style transfer involves training a convolutional neural network (CNN) on a dataset of images and their associated styles. Once the CNN is trained, it can be used to transfer the style of one image to the content of another image. This is typically done by using an optimization algorithm to minimize the difference between the style of the input image and the style of the output image, while also minimizing the difference between the content of the input image and the content of the output image.

Neural style transfer has been used to create a wide range of images, from photorealistic to highly stylized, and has been used by artists and designers to explore different visual styles and create new artistic works. It has also been used in a variety of other applications, including text-to-image generation and image-to-image translation.

Adobe Fresco

Adobe Fresco is a drawing and painting app for tablets and desktop devices developed by Adobe Systems. It is designed for use with a stylus or touchscreen and offers a range of digital art tools, including pencils, pens, markers, watercolors, and oils.

Adobe Fresco is built on Adobe’s Creative Cloud platform and is designed to work seamlessly with other Adobe applications, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. It offers a range of features for creating and editing digital art, including support for layers, blending modes, and layer masks.

Adobe Fresco includes a range of predefined brushes and tools, as well as the ability to create custom brushes and tools using Adobe’s Brush CC technology. It also includes support for Live Brushes, which are brushes that mimic the behavior of traditional media, such as watercolors, oils, and pastels.

Adobe Fresco is available for a variety of devices, including tablets running iOS and Android, as well as desktop computers running Windows and macOS. It is available as a standalone app or as part of a Creative Cloud subscription.


Nightcafe is an AI art generator developed by Paxton Ward, an artist and software engineer. It is designed to create digital paintings in the style of the French Post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh, using a machine learning model trained on a dataset of van Gogh’s paintings. Nightcafe is available to use online for free, and the generated artworks can be downloaded as high-resolution images.

Nightcafe AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate

Try Nightcafe

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a machine learning technique that is often used in the field of computer graphics and image processing. It is a method for smoothing out and denoising images, particularly those that have been generated using techniques such as neural style transfer or adversarial training.

Stable Diffusion AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate

Try Stable Diffusion


Photosonic is a photo editing and graphics design software developed by Corel Corporation. It is a professional-grade tool that is used by photographers, graphic designers, and other creative professionals to edit and enhance digital images.

Photosonic AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate

Try Photosonic


DeepAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory and technology company that develops and applies AI techniques to a wide range of fields, including computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning. The company’s mission is to “advance artificial intelligence to benefit all humanity.”

It offers a range of AI services, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and data analysis. It provides these services through a variety of products and platforms, including API (application programming interface) services, cloud-based platforms, and on-premises solutions.

DeepAI has worked with a wide range of clients across various industries, including finance, healthcare, media, and technology. It has also partnered with numerous organizations and research institutions to advance the state of the art in AI and machine learning.

In addition to its commercial products and services, DeepAI also conducts research in areas such as machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, and publishes papers and articles on these topics.

DeepAI AI Generator
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate

Try DeepAI


RunwayML is a software platform for machine learning (ML) that aims to make it easier for artists, designers, and other creatives to use ML in their work. It was developed by Arvand Sabetian, Adrien Treuille, and Christine Sunu.

RunwayML provides a user-friendly interface and a range of pre-trained ML models that can be used to generate a variety of outputs, including images, audio, and video. It also offers a range of tools and features for creating and customizing ML models, including the ability to train models on user-provided data and to fine-tune pre-trained models to fit specific needs.

RunwayML is designed to be used by people with little or no experience with ML, and it offers a range of resources and tutorials to help users get started. It has been used by artists, designers, and other creatives to create a wide range of works, including interactive installations, visual effects, and digital art.

RunwayML is available as a cloud-based platform and can be accessed through a web browser or through a local desktop application. It is available for a variety of devices and operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

RunwayML Machine Learning
This artwork was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

A happy boy carrying the world while walking in the rain, 3d render, high resolution, insanely detailed and intricate

Try Runwayml

It is worth noting that while these tools are free to use, they may have limitations or restrictions on their use, such as limitations on the size or resolution of the generated artworks, or the number of artworks that can be generated in a given time period.

If you are interested in learning more about AI, feel free to read our article What Is Artificial Intelligence.

Experienced founder with a demonstrated history of working in the advertisement industry. Skilled in Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Product Marketing, Photography, Post Production and Business Strategy. Strong business development professional graduated from computer engineering.

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