The “Make the Logo Bigger” Conundrum

Make the Logo Bigger

Balancing Brand Identity and Design Aesthetics

In the world of advertising and design, the phrase “Make the Logo Bigger” has long been a subject of debate among designers, marketers, and business owners alike. While a prominent logo might seem like a straightforward way to establish brand recognition, its impact on the overall design aesthetics often raises questions. At And Dreams Digital, we’ve navigated this complex issue countless times, helping our clients find the sweet spot between brand identity and visual appeal.

The Psychological Impact of Logos

According to a study published in the Journal of Marketing Research, logos serve as a brand’s initial point of interaction with consumers, substantially affecting their perceptions and attitudes. Logos, being the visual cornerstone of a brand, establish a psychological link with the viewer, which can strongly influence purchasing decisions.

Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better

When the size of the logo becomes disproportionately large, it disrupts the visual balance of the design. This has two primary consequences:

1. Cognitive Overload

As shown in a research paper in Psychology & Marketing, excessive focal points in a design, like an oversized logo, can lead to cognitive overload, reducing the effectiveness of the other content.

2. Design Incoherence

A large logo can overshadow other design elements, making the overall layout appear disjointed and reducing the aesthetic appeal, according to a study in the Journal of Business Research.

Real-world Examples

Let’s consider two case studies to illustrate the point:

Apple Inc.

Apple is a perfect example of logo subtlety. Their minimalist logo perfectly complements their design scheme without dominating the space.


Despite having a detailed logo, Starbucks maintains a balanced design by giving appropriate space to other design elements.

Client Perspectives vs. Expert Perspectives

At And Dreams Digital, we understand that the brand logo is your pride and symbol of identity, which you naturally want to emphasize. However, as experienced designers, strategists, and developers, we believe in a holistic approach that harmoniously integrates the logo with other design elements to achieve your business goals effectively.

Striking the Perfect Balance


We recommend a consultative approach, involving our clients in the design process to align the brand’s objectives with design logic.

Iterative Design

Employing a phased approach allows us to experiment with various design versions, ensuring that the logo fits naturally within the overall design.

Data-Driven Decision Making

We advocate for A/B testing designs to evaluate how different logo sizes impact user interaction and engagement.


While the demand to “Make the Logo Bigger” is not inherently wrong, it requires a nuanced approach that respects both brand identity and design integrity. And Dreams Digital is committed to helping you find that balance, drawing on our extensive experience and expertise in creative design and marketing.

For more insights on how to effectively integrate your brand into your design strategy, feel free to contact us.

Experienced founder with a demonstrated history of working in the advertisement industry. Skilled in Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Product Marketing, Photography, Post Production and Business Strategy. Strong business development professional graduated from computer engineering.

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