Why ChatGPT Can’t Write SEO-Friendly Articles

Why ChatGPT Can't Write SEO-Friendly Articles

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate articles with excellent grammar in many languages. However, it is important to note that the articles it produces are not optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).

To ensure that an article is SEO-friendly, there are several factors that need to be considered, including readability. In this article, we will focus on several key readability features that are important for SEO.

Readability for SEO-Friendly Article

Readability is an important consideration for SEO because search engines want to provide their users with the best possible user experience, and that includes delivering content that is easy to read and understand. If a website has poor readability, visitors may struggle to understand the content and may not spend much time on the site, which can negatively impact the site’s search engine rankings.

To ensure that an article is easy to read and understand, there are several key elements to consider, including:

  1. The use of passive voice
  2. Sentence length
  3. Sentence beginnings
  4. Word complexity
  5. Transition words
  6. Consecutive sentences
  7. Subheading distribution
  8. Paragraph length

Also, there several things you can do to improve readability for SEO. Please use:

Short paragraphs: Long paragraphs can be difficult to read and may deter visitors from reading your content. Break up your content into shorter paragraphs to make it easier for readers to digest.

Subheadings: Subheadings help to break up your content and make it easier for readers to scan and find the information they are looking for.

Bullet points: Bullet points can help to highlight important points and make your content easier to read.

Simple language: Avoid using technical or jargon-filled language that may be difficult for readers to understand. Instead, use simple and straightforward language.

Font sizes and styles that are easy to read: Use a font size that is large enough to be easily readable and consider using a sans-serif font, which is easier to read on screens.

By following these tips, you can improve the readability of your website and make it SEO-friendly and more appealing to both visitors and search engines.

ChatGPT Failed!

After conducting tests with ChatGPT and evaluating the SEO compatibility of its articles, we found that it consistently failed to meet the recommended standards for readability.

For example, more than 40% of its articles contained passive voice, which is above the recommended maximum of 10%. Additionally, more than 44% of its sentences contained more than 20 words, which is also above the recommended maximum of 25%. It also rarely used transition words, which are important for maintaining a good SEO score (the recommended minimum is 40%).

Revise Your Article

In conclusion, it is advisable to not simply copy and paste articles generated by ChatGPT without reviewing and making necessary corrections to ensure readability and SEO compatibility. By following these guidelines and making necessary adjustments, you can publish articles that are both high-quality and optimized for search engines.

If you are interested in learning more about SEO, feel free to read our article What Is SEO And Why Is It Important.

Important reminder: Please check each article for plagiarism before publishing it.

Experienced founder with a demonstrated history of working in the advertisement industry. Skilled in Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Product Marketing, Photography, Post Production and Business Strategy. Strong business development professional graduated from computer engineering.

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